Get to Know Me

My Philosophy

America is a sick nation. We are dieting more, exercising more, and taking more prescription medication, but we are more overweight, seeing the doctor more, and developing more diseases than ever. So many diets contradict each other, which is very confusing. As a health coach, I educate you and simplify your wellness journey.


I believe knowledge is key. Once you understand what your body needs to run properly and what may harm it, you can make long-term dietary changes to improve your health. No matter your goals, I will help lead you in the right direction. Shed extra weight, reduce inflammation, age gracefully, boost your energy, sleep better, or help your body heal.

Sometimes change is difficult and overwhelming. But you don’t have to go through your wellness journey on your own. I will help you every step of the way, not only by educating you but also by inspiring you and helping you implement habits that allow you to take control and have the best life.

“People tend to avoid the truth about health because once they realize and accept the truth great effort must be expanded to change habits.”

– The Raw Life: Becoming Natural in an Unnatural World by Paul Nison

Christie Smiling

My Story

Health Problems

I’ve experienced many health problems through the years. When I was 23, my thyroid was out of balance, and I was diagnosed with Graves’ disease, an autoimmune disease of an overactive thyroid. I was on a high dose of Synthroid (200mcg) for over 10 years before getting pregnant with my first child. During my pregnancy, my medication was increased six times.

After my pregnancy, I developed eczema on my fingers and hands. I had never had skin problems before this. I also developed candida throughout my body. I was always extremely exhausted, gained an extra 20 pounds that would not budge, and had total brain fog.

The Life-Changing Benefits of the Raw Food Diet

My life changed when I discovered the raw food diet. I couldn’t believe how delicious everything was and started making recipes from books and videos. Within five days, my brain fog disappeared. After another two weeks, the dose of my thyroid medication was almost cut in half. In a month, I lost 12 pounds, and my eczema completely disappeared.

I felt truly amazing! I continued for four months and lost another 8 pounds, totaling 20 pounds. This brought me back to my high school weight, and I had energy levels like a teenager.

My journey continued with teaching people the amazing healing power of cleansing the body with raw foods and nourishing myself.

Cashew Whipped Cream with Berries

Bad Habits Return

As the years passed, I maintained 50-75% raw. More years passed, and bad habits started to return. I fell in love, and everything went out the window. Pounds continued to creep up, and energy levels began to diminish. I was entering peri-menopause, which made matters worse. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I was out of control with my eating and lacked exercise.

Back on Track

Fortunately, I obtained a new endocrinologist who was the first in 30 years to tell me what to eliminate from my diet and what supplements to take. Everything I knew in the past came back to me, and I went Paleo with an emphasis on bone broth. I felt in control again and continued with this way of eating when I started studying to be a health coach.

My journey took me into keto and even carnivore (the ultimate elimination diet). You may ask yourself how you can go from raw foods to carnivore. The best answer is these diets are all anti-inflammatory and eliminate harmful foods that wreck the gut. Everything I taught about 20 years ago still holds true because it’s based on fact and science.


A Passion for Supporting Others

As a health coach with over 20 years of experience, I continue to share my knowledge and help others overcome their wellness struggles. My passion is to teach people what I have learned and lived through. I aim to create a community where we can share, educate, inspire, and cheer each other on through this thing we call life. I hope you join me!