/** * Redux Background * Dependencies : jquery, wp media uploader * Feature added by : Dovy Paukstys * Date : 07 Jan 2014 */ /*global redux_change, wp, redux*/ (function( $ ) { "use strict"; redux.field_objects = redux.field_objects || {}; redux.field_objects.background = redux.field_objects.background || {}; redux.field_objects.background.init = function( selector ) { if ( !selector ) { selector = $( document ).find( ".redux-group-tab:visible" ).find( '.redux-container-background:visible' ); } $( selector ).each( function() { var el = $( this ); var parent = el; if ( !el.hasClass( 'redux-field-container' ) ) { parent = el.parents( '.redux-field-container:first' ); } if ( parent.is( ":hidden" ) ) { // Skip hidden fields return; } if ( parent.hasClass( 'redux-field-init' ) ) { parent.removeClass( 'redux-field-init' ); } else { return; } // Remove the image button el.find( '.redux-remove-background' ).unbind( 'click' ).on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); redux.field_objects.background.removeImage( $( this ).parents( '.redux-container-background:first' ) ); return false; } ); // Upload media button el.find( '.redux-background-upload' ).unbind().on( 'click', function( event ) { redux.field_objects.background.addImage( event, $( this ).parents( '.redux-container-background:first' ) ); } ); el.find( '.redux-background-input' ).on( 'change', function() { redux.field_objects.background.preview( $( this ) ); } ); el.find( '.redux-color' ).wpColorPicker( { change: function( e, ui ) { $( this ).val( ui.color.toString() ); redux_change( $( this ) ); $( '#' + e.target.id + '-transparency' ).removeAttr( 'checked' ); redux.field_objects.background.preview( $( this ) ); }, clear: function( e, ui ) { $( this ).val( ui.color.toString() ); redux_change( $( this ).parent().find( '.redux-color-init' ) ); redux.field_objects.background.preview( $( this ) ); } } ); // Replace and validate field on blur el.find( '.redux-color' ).on( 'blur', function() { var value = $( this ).val(); var id = '#' + $( this ).attr( 'id' ); if ( value === "transparent" ) { $( this ).parent().parent().find( '.wp-color-result' ).css( 'background-color', 'transparent' ); el.find( id + '-transparency' ).attr( 'checked', 'checked' ); } else { if ( colorValidate( this ) === value ) { if ( value.indexOf( "#" ) !== 0 ) { $( this ).val( $( this ).data( 'oldcolor' ) ); } } el.find( id + '-transparency' ).removeAttr( 'checked' ); } } ); el.find( '.redux-color' ).on( 'focus', function() { $( this ).data( 'oldcolor', $( this ).val() ); } ); el.find( '.redux-color' ).on( 'keyup', function() { var value = $( this ).val(); var color = colorValidate( this ); var id = '#' + $( this ).attr( 'id' ); if ( value === "transparent" ) { $( this ).parent().parent().find( '.wp-color-result' ).css( 'background-color', 'transparent' ); el.find( id + '-transparency' ).attr( 'checked', 'checked' ); } else { el.find( id + '-transparency' ).removeAttr( 'checked' ); if ( color && color !== $( this ).val() ) { $( this ).val( color ); } } } ); // When transparency checkbox is clicked el.find( '.color-transparency' ).on( 'click', function() { if ( $( this ).is( ":checked" ) ) { el.find( '.redux-saved-color' ).val( $( '#' + $( this ).data( 'id' ) ).val() ); el.find( '#' + $( this ).data( 'id' ) ).val( 'transparent' ); el.find( '#' + $( this ).data( 'id' ) ).parent().parent().find( '.wp-color-result' ).css( 'background-color', 'transparent' ); } else { if ( el.find( '#' + $( this ).data( 'id' ) ).val() === 'transparent' ) { var prevColor = $( '.redux-saved-color' ).val(); if ( prevColor === '' ) { prevColor = $( '#' + $( this ).data( 'id' ) ).data( 'default-color' ); } el.find( '#' + $( this ).data( 'id' ) ).parent().parent().find( '.wp-color-result' ).css( 'background-color', prevColor ); el.find( '#' + $( this ).data( 'id' ) ).val( prevColor ); } } redux.field_objects.background.preview( $( this ) ); redux_change( $( this ) ); } ); var default_params = { width: 'resolve', triggerChange: true, allowClear: true }; var select2_handle = el.find( '.select2_params' ); if ( select2_handle.size() > 0 ) { var select2_params = select2_handle.val(); select2_params = JSON.parse( select2_params ); default_params = $.extend( {}, default_params, select2_params ); } el.find( " .redux-background-repeat, .redux-background-clip, .redux-background-origin, .redux-background-size, .redux-background-attachment, .redux-background-position" ).select2( default_params ); } ); }; // Update the background preview redux.field_objects.background.preview = function( selector ) { var parent = $( selector ).parents( '.redux-container-background:first' ); var preview = $( parent ).find( '.background-preview' ); if ( !preview ) { // No preview present return; } var hide = true; var css = 'height:' + preview.height() + 'px;'; $( parent ).find( '.redux-background-input' ).each( function() { var data = $( this ).serializeArray(); data = data[0]; if ( data && data.name.indexOf( '[background-' ) != -1 ) { if ( data.value !== "" ) { hide = false; data.name = data.name.split( '[background-' ); data.name = 'background-' + data.name[1].replace( ']', '' ); if ( data.name == "background-image" ) { css += data.name + ':url("' + data.value + '");'; } else { css += data.name + ':' + data.value + ';'; } } } } ); if ( !hide ) { preview.attr( 'style', css ).fadeIn(); } else { preview.slideUp(); } }; // Add a file via the wp.media function redux.field_objects.background.addImage = function( event, selector ) { event.preventDefault(); var frame; var jQueryel = $( this ); // If the media frame already exists, reopen it. if ( frame ) { frame.open(); return; } // Create the media frame. frame = wp.media( { multiple: false, library: { //type: 'image' //Only allow images }, // Set the title of the modal. title: jQueryel.data( 'choose' ), // Customize the submit button. button: { // Set the text of the button. text: jQueryel.data( 'update' ) // Tell the button not to close the modal, since we're // going to refresh the page when the image is selected. } } ); // When an image is selected, run a callback. frame.on( 'select', function() { // Grab the selected attachment. var attachment = frame.state().get( 'selection' ).first(); frame.close(); //console.log(attachment.attributes.type); if ( attachment.attributes.type !== "image" ) { return; } selector.find( '.upload' ).val( attachment.attributes.url ); selector.find( '.upload-id' ).val( attachment.attributes.id ); selector.find( '.upload-height' ).val( attachment.attributes.height ); selector.find( '.upload-width' ).val( attachment.attributes.width ); redux_change( $( selector ).find( '.upload-id' ) ); var thumbSrc = attachment.attributes.url; if ( typeof attachment.attributes.sizes !== 'undefined' && typeof attachment.attributes.sizes.thumbnail !== 'undefined' ) { thumbSrc = attachment.attributes.sizes.thumbnail.url; } else if ( typeof attachment.attributes.sizes !== 'undefined' ) { var height = attachment.attributes.height; for ( var key in attachment.attributes.sizes ) { var object = attachment.attributes.sizes[key]; if ( object.height < height ) { height = object.height; thumbSrc = object.url; } } } else { thumbSrc = attachment.attributes.icon; } selector.find( '.upload-thumbnail' ).val( thumbSrc ); if ( !selector.find( '.upload' ).hasClass( 'noPreview' ) ) { selector.find( '.screenshot' ).empty().hide().append( '' ).slideDown( 'fast' ); } selector.find( '.redux-remove-background' ).removeClass( 'hide' );//show "Remove" button selector.find( '.redux-background-input-properties' ).slideDown(); redux.field_objects.background.preview( selector.find( '.upload' ) ); } ); // Finally, open the modal. frame.open(); }; // Update the background preview redux.field_objects.background.removeImage = function( selector ) { // This shouldn't have been run... if ( !selector.find( '.redux-remove-background' ).addClass( 'hide' ) ) { return; } selector.find( '.redux-remove-background' ).addClass( 'hide' ); //hide "Remove" button selector.find( '.upload' ).val( '' ); selector.find( '.upload-id' ).val( '' ); selector.find( '.upload-height' ).val( '' ); selector.find( '.upload-width' ).val( '' ); redux_change( $( selector ).find( '.upload-id' ) ); selector.find( '.redux-background-input-properties' ).hide(); var screenshot = selector.find( '.screenshot' ); // Hide the screenshot screenshot.slideUp(); selector.find( '.remove-file' ).unbind(); // We don't display the upload button if .upload-notice is present // This means the user doesn't have the WordPress 3.5 Media Library Support if ( $( '.section-upload .upload-notice' ).length > 0 ) { $( '.redux-background-upload' ).remove(); } }; })( jQuery ); {"id":1011,"date":"2023-04-28T16:33:00","date_gmt":"2023-04-28T20:33:00","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/healthyvibeswithchristie.0ed3c34.rcomhost.com\/?page_id=1011"},"modified":"2023-06-05T09:21:18","modified_gmt":"2023-06-05T13:21:18","slug":"events-news","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"http:\/\/healthyvibeswithchristie.com\/events-news\/","title":{"rendered":"Events & News"},"content":{"rendered":"","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"","protected":false},"author":3,"featured_media":0,"parent":0,"menu_order":0,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","template":"","meta":{"footnotes":""},"class_list":["post-1011","page","type-page","status-publish","hentry"],"yoast_head":"\nHealthy Vibes with Christie, LLC Events | Northern Virginia<\/title>\n<meta name=\"description\" content=\"Learn about the upcoming Healthy Vibes with Christie, LLC events. 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